Tiny Chat is a great site in which up to 12 people can chat in real time on webcams and many more can participate in a text-based chatroom occurring below the video. But what's so wonderful about it is that it's making all of our YouTube friends ever so close. These guys are seriously turning into my best friends. We sit and chat and the hours FLY by. Seriously. I was on for almost four hours today and it seemed like nothing at all.
The best thing about the relationships I'm forming is how supportive they are. The followers of this blog are largely the people who go to TinyChat, and they'll often remind me of the goals I set forth herein and hold me to it. People today even reminded me of my 11:00 deadline... which I'm only sort-of making in posting this, but it's a HUGE step!
I guess I should just wrap this up by saying TinyChat is awesome, and any of you are welcome to come by. We really let pretty much anyone in, even subscribers who don't make videos and just like us. We've made friends with people who only watch our videos, even, and some people who just randomly stop by our rooms. It's an awesome place and I feel so blessed to be able to use it. I love, love, love my friends!
Sleep: X
German: /
Clarinet: X
Excercise: ABU
Blogging: X
Tinychat is definitely amazing! Nothing says awesome like staying up until 2AM chatting with people across the world :D
ReplyDeleteTonight was my first tinychat experience...
ReplyDeleteNot to be a downer, but I wasn't too impressed. I felt like there were too many people for much quality communication. I've done something similar before, just with 4 people who I knew better, and that was fun. Not that I'm dissing it or anything, just saying that I tend to enjoy more intimate communication. Same in real life, I'd much rather talk to people in small groups. So don't be offended if I don't drop in very often. It's not you guys, it's the format.